First Appointment At Hawke’s Bay Orthodontics
(30 – 45 minute appointment)
At the first appointment we ask about your main concerns regarding your teeth and bite. A full dental and orthodontic assessment is carried out. More often than not x-rays are required to ensure we have all of the information. Photographs of the teeth are often taken, together with moulds of the teeth so that models of the bite can be made. We have up-to- date equipment that ensures we receive the best diagnostic information to help us decide on the most effective treatment for each individual patient. We discuss the treatment options with you at this time and outline what would be involved.
If required we will organise a second appointment, within a few weeks and free of charge, to discuss the treatment plan in more detail and to answer any further queries you may have.
Prior to commencing treatment you will receive a written letter outlining the planned treatment, together with a copy of your photographs and x- rays.